Picnic lovers
Local community site for Picnic lovers
#Web design #Content design #UIUX design #Branding

Duration Mar-May. 2023
My role Solo project_ UX research, UIUX design, Content design, Branding
Type School project
Tool Photoshop, Illustrator, XD
Melbourne has many grand or small parks and gardens. But we don’t know all the places, so we had no choice but to enjoy picnics only in familiar or very famous places. Many people want to find new places for Melbourne’s various picnics and share their favorite spots. If we share the various places we know and the food for the picnic, we will be able to try fun and new picnic places every time. Also, by providing a list of restaurants that sell food suitable for picnics, users can tour various picnic foods near their destinations.
I used a map to categorize picnic places by location around Melbourne cbd. Users can use maps that browse the website to intuitively know where to go on a picnic.
The website will suggest two of the most important elements of picnics: places and food through maps, allowing users to enjoy the stage of planning picnics pleasantly and simply.
People who run business related to picnic
Picnic party planners
Picnic setup hires company owners
Event company’s managers
Picnic enthusiasts
People who are interested in picnic
Local social clubs/ community
Local shops’ owners
Cafe/restaurant owners
Market sellers
Local social clubs
- Who need to contact easily with food provider because they don’t have enough time to prepare great foods
- Who need a simple way to pack up the picnic sets because they want to have a great picnic party with less effort
- Who need reviews about the various locations for picnic because they want to choose the location
- Cafe and restaurant owners who need a sales channel to introduce picnic foods / who want to promote the products and make regular customers
- Local residents who want to share real reviews of the hidden/ favortie picnic spots
- Market sellers who sell picnic goods
- Influencers who want to communicate with local residents
Task and Goal
- Share photos and reviews of their favorite picnic spots with picnic lovers on their own
- Connect users with nearby cafe/restaurants so they can find places to sell picnic meals faster and easier.
- To allow users to search reviews and stores, finding new picnic spots and picnic meals nearby.